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~A little bit about myself and Barks & Brays~

Having lived in the small town of Alexandria Indiana for over 30 years, my husband Christopher and I raised our family on a small backyard mini-farm full of animals, laughter, and love.  Spending time outdoors taking care of our dogs, cats, horses, llamas, goats, chickens, emus, and miniature donkeys is something I enjoy immensely!


I have been in the veterinary profession for over 25 years.  I have the experience and desire to help animals and to set you-their owner- mind at ease.  My day job as a Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT) at a local small animal hospital has allowed me to help so many pets and owners in a hospital setting--while thru Barks & Brays I am able to offer pet services in the comfort of your home.  Not only can this be more convenient for you, but also less stressful for pets!

I am Fear Free Elite certified-which means I have over 35 additional hours of training to recognize and reduce pet fear, anxiety, and stress during the services I provide.


For over 10 years, I have been blessed to be able to offer mini-donkey and mini-horse event services to our community.  The mini-donkeys and mini-horse have impeccable manners and are always a big hit--causing smiles, laughter & stories to share for years to come.  We are excited to be able to offer Beverage Burro & Party Horse services so others can enjoy these magnificent creatures.


Please feel free to contact me with any questions--and I look forward to meeting you!


Alexis L. Bassett, RVT

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